Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Food Journal

7am: Protein shake
10am: Fiber Plus bar and 4 triscuits
1pm: Mixed greens w/tuna and chopped onion and tomatoes, protein concentrate (kiwi melon) flavor and a few saltines (no salt)
4pm: baggy of peanuts.
9pm: (kinda late) Salad and Grilled Tofu

Drinks: ONE diet mountain dew&&water

EXERCISE: 20 minutes on elyptical
20 minutes on the treadmill.

Working on arms tonight.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's a new day :)

It's a new day and I'm in class. I'm catching up on my blog now because I have a math exam tomorrow, and a powerpoint due tomorrow night(which I am doing on vegetariansim/veganism vs meat eaters) which some of you may appreciate :)

But anyway so I was looking through my photo folders and I found this

Does anyone remember the episode when Lisa went Vegetarian? haha BEST Moral EVERRRRR on that show :) any who I thought Id share.

Food Journal:
7am: Fiber plus bar and some cherries
9:15: Fuji apple
11am: veggie quesadilla and raw vegetables
2pm: Small salad and cottage cheese
6pm:Veg Soup and Salad

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tracker (Thanks Sarah!)

So here it is July 19th

So here it is guys July 19th and as you all know I was having an issue getting my scale moving again, and well I was desperate and though "hey maybe I should go vegetarian again, but this time do it the right way" and i did so I'll be happy to say that MY SCALE IS MOVING AGAIN!!! im down 3lbs since the last time I checked in and that was only from changing back to a vegetarian last week :) so im super stoked!

As you all know I'm going home to visit in August and I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY want to be down 15-20lbs before I get on the plane again so as you all know I will be hitting the gym every night (or try to 7 days a week) but if not 6 will do :) I'm just excited to go home and get to see my family.

But now that going veggie is working for me even better than when I was eating chicken and such I'm glad :)

So if any of you are wondering on occasion I DO have fish, because technically I am considered a pescatarian. (meaning that I sometimes eat fish but i do not have chicken or beef), those of you who know me know that I never really ate beef anyway just because of the taste so yeah it's working out. I have been experimenting more, and learning how to cook some tofu stir-frys and such. Last night I actually had Shrimp and veggies w/Vindaloo sauce (Really spicy curry sauce) and brown rice which was absolutely delicious! So if any of you want the recipe just let me know :)

and of course if you do not have seafood at all, you can always sub the shrimp with extra firm/firm tofu or some sort of meat sub, or even just veggies! (which I have also done) it was so delicious and i HIGHLY recommend trying the sauce if you like super spicy food :)

Food Journal for Today:
6am Protein shake
9:30am Cherries
12pm Baby spinach salad w/raspberry vin, and left over shrimp-veggie Vindaloo w/brown rice.
3pm Fiber plus bar.
8:30pm Protein supplement and a grapefruit

one diet drink and water.

40 min of cardio

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

so here's the deal.

okay so here it goes we all know I used to be vegetarian, and we all know i was a lot healthier and felt better about myself when I was on my vegetarian diet.

So I came up with the fab idea of sticking to my weight loss diet but making it a vegetarian one again :) and its been about mmm going on 2 months now and I love it :)

I'm re-learning new things again how to cook for myself and not fend on restaurants to eat food and things more fresh organic, whole grains (when I eat them) you know things like that so I'm so glad that I am back on track with that and feel so much better with the diet as well as losing my weight :)

I've been drinking lots of tea, water, cutting the coffee down A LOT. and lots of Tempeh, tofu, fresh vegetables and such :)

love it! :)

If you have any questions about how to lose weight and combining that with vegetarianism just ask! as well as if you have any suggestions PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I am open to anything new and would like pictures, recipes and such.. until next time :) !



Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So Randy and I booked our flights yesterday to San Fransisco so we can go home :)! and since were not going until August 17th I have made a goal to lose 20lbs by August 17th which is roughly 7 weeks and if I am recalling correctly it took me about 6 weeks to lose 20lbs so my goal by THIS Friday is to lose between 5 and 7lbs and go from there I'm really excited to go home though It has been almost a year since I have been home and I can't wait to share my weight loss with my family!! Its going to be amazinggg :) and I get to see people that I have not seen in FOREVERRR and now they can see that I was not just some 'fat girl' I'm a real person whether I was bigger or not. So I'm just excited to prove some people wrong about myself :)

anyway enough with the ranting! hahah

Food Journal
8am kiwi melon protein concentrate.
12pm Salad w/tuna
2pm cottage cheese
6pm fish and vegetable soup.

Treadmill 20 minutes
Eliptical 20 minutes

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's July 1st!

Its July 1st and its a new month so new goals! :) My goal by next friday is between 5-7 lbs :) and I'm sure it can happen :)

BTW I was at the gym for 1hour and 20 minutes! :) and it went by quick. I learned that if I read a good health magazine in combo with my ipod works out for me quite well :)

So I have a whole week off from school next week, and I'm thinking that I might take up a yoga or pilates class and see how it works out for me, and see if I like it. So hopefully I'll like it and go to a class once a week in combination with the cardio, ball exercises, and weights that I do :) I've stuck to my food journal and I'm doing well :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July is a new month

So July is a new month and I know that I've been dong fairly well on my I started it March 26th 2010 and it's now July 1st 2010 I have lost 30lbs so far, and I'm happy about it..but I know that I can do a lot better. I have now decided to add more fruits and a FEW (and I use 'few' lightly) more carbs into my diet. I know that I can do a lot better. So anyway since I was having that digestive problem and was sick that whole week like 2 weeks ago I now need to drink apple juice every morning and dont get me wrong I LOVE apple juice, and I know that it is higher in calories than tea, or whatever obviously, but I'm doing what I have to do to be healthy even if that means to slow down my weight loss a little; which I don't think it will. I have also though about adding baby carrots to my diet even though the doctor (when I was seeing him) said that we couldn't have them. I just don't get what kind of snacks CAN have if baby carrots is not one of them? I mean I know that all 'snacks' should be like high protein and stuff but you know I'm trying to stay away from chips and stuff (which I am doing really well from staying away from) but anyway baby carrots, celery, berries(if its fruit) and SOME watermelon(it's summer!)

Food Journal for tomorrow (JULY 1ST)
7am protein shake w/banana
10am cottage cheese w/1 serving of triscuits
1pm salad w/turkey and high protein soup
4pm greek yogurt
8:30pm fish and veg.

work out 30min cardio

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

and it's been a while.

Okay so I'm finally doing better!! Thanks to antibiotics amongst other things haha :)

But anyway I'm doing well back on my diet :) and im glad and happy that everything is going well.

Food journal for today.

7am protein shake.
9am venti green tea with honey.
12pm turkey and reduced fat pepper jack cheese sandwich on 100% WHOLE WHEAT bread and tomato soup.
3pm low fat cottage cheese with no sugar added diced peaches.
6pm protein shake and salad.

Exercise: Cardio; 20 minutes treadmill 20 minutes eliptical,
weights. (toning arms and legs)

So on a different note, I was reading up on what is better for your health artificial sweetener or honey...and the verdict is actually that honey is better for you, well RAW HONEY, because it is not processed the sugar is not refined, and being that since it is sweeter that refined white sugar you dont use as much. So the nutrition facts are 60 calories (1 Tablespoon) 17 carbs and 16 sugars. Now I know that it seems like a lot of carbs and sugars, but if you think about it wouldnt you rather help your digestive system while lightly sweetening up some iced or hot tea? I mean Raw honey is good for your digestion, has been said to help you lose weight (maybe not faster but it helps the metabolism) if you have allergies to flowers and the spring time it helps with that too, I dont know about all of you but I'm going to see how it goes adding raw honey into my diet with the same routine that I have going :) so NO MORE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER...HELLO RAW HONEY! :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Food Journal

8am: Protein Supplement.
11am: VitaTops Blueberry Bran (delicious! if you have not tried one do it bluebran and chocolate are delicious! Only 100 cals 1g of fat 5g fiber 4g of protein. AND ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO WORK IT OFF IS WALK 15 MINUTES!)
2pm: Slimfast snack bar.
5pm: Salad and a high protein soup.
8pm: Fat Free cottage cheese and no sugar added peaches.

Oh BTW I have just came to an enlightenment....I don't know if any of you have tried Aquafina FlavorSplash water but it is AMAZINGGGGG!!!! I have fallen in love with water all over again :)! hahah Of course plain water is my number one choice obviously but I do have FlavorSplash almost daily since is is sweetened with splenda its still calorie free and i promise it does not taste bad at all!! But I have also tried the Dasani flavored water and it is even less sweeter than FlavorSplash and to be honest I like it a lot more than the FlavorSplash...but i can't find it sometimes and at work in the vending machine all they have is the FlavorSplash so thus i stick with it :) but i promise they are both delicious! :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

just got done.

with my hair it looks good as always haha :) but then again I'm really not. Uhmm I deffjust realized that I have nothing to do today, I mean with the way I was feeling this passed week I needed a day like this :)

So I brought Daisy home.
Got home had lunch.
Did my homework for CPT 101(about to work on math homework)
Did my hair; fixed it up to make sure that it looked well, (btw I cut my bangs AGAIN!) hah
Did myself up for no apparent reason.

anyway I have noticed as well that I blog more than usual now-a-days, twice a day sometimes 3 or 4 I don't know I just get so antsy and miss my mom sometimes because I can't talk to her. but anyway back to some news about my diet.

Since I had to go to the urgent care last night and pay out the ass JUST for the DAMN VISIT plus the blood test.

So Randy and I both decided that having health insurance is OBVIOUSLY a little more important so what happened last night doesn't happen again. So I decided since I have been doing so well on the plan that I'm on and I know how to do it now, I'm going to find an alternative for the type of protein supplement that I take now...amino acids can be purchased at the store and obviously a multi-vitamin as well. So far I have found a protein supplement that is a lil better than what I take now it's a little higher in calories but it has 25g or protein and less carbs then the one I take now. So after ,y appointment at the doctors on Friday I'm just going to let them know that I will be going out of town and that I will call them to make an appointment when I get back, so hopefully they don't give me a hard time about it but I'm excited about doing something different :)

But anyway I'll probably be back later tonight and blog some more...probably just post my food journal for tomorrow :)

In the end.

There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and in being nothing, you are everything.

So i've been out

So here's whats been going on. I have been sick since last Tuesday, and I finally had the last of it last night. I got so sick I had to go to the Urgent Care. My stomach was hurting so bad I though it was an ulcer, but thank God that it isn't. It's not better but it's not worse lol I'm just glad that it's not an ulcer. it turned out to be a sever stomach infection that I am taking antibiotics for, and so far so good. I am doing a lot better, I know that these two weeks since I was so sick I didn't do that well on my diet but then again I was sick the entire time since the day that I weighed in, which was literally a little over a week ago. Anywho I just thought I'd update everyone on what was going on. :)

I'll I'm going into the doctor to see him about my tummy issue and weigh in and whatnot on Friday so i'll keep you posted on the damage that was done jk :)~~ttyasoooon :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Its Sunday

So its sunday night and I have to catch all of you up on what happened at the doctor's on Tuesday. So here it goes....

as you all know I was getting measured and the verdict is........

11.5INCHES off my bust, hips, and waist!!! :)

I'm super stoked about that!!

On a different note though. I have been feeling super sick for the past four days, and I think its because I decided to cheat on Tuesday after I got weighed in and what I really wanted was Mole, which is a very heavy Mexican dish and I'm thinking it was just too heavy for what I'm used to know. So I was having a really bad pain in my stomach right below my breast bone and did not know what it was. So anyway finally today I speak to my mom and she tells me to make myself chicken noodle soup, eat saltines, and have some diet 7-up. So I did and I feel soooooooo much better! My belly isn't hurting anymore Thanks God!! But I am worried about the fact that I feel like I gained 5 lbs since I was feeling sick because I am just bloated (or feel bloated) I'm worried that if this does not go away by tomorrow my chances of losing more weight that I need to lose by the 29th are slim to none... :( I know that it's a silly think to think about because things happen and life is life, but I should have never wanted to cheat and now I'm just regretting every minute of it :( but oh well, we all learn from our mistakes. Well I will be blogging every day this week so expect to hear updates!

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Friday yet again

It's Friday and didn't make it to the gym yesterday after work *shame shame!* So the gym does not close until 9 tonight but I don't get off of work until 8 so there is my dilemma. I think I what I will do is take Daisy out for a VERY long walk...keep my heart rate up etc..and I should be okay, but since I do go weigh in on Tuesday I need to get with the working out everyday and not let my tiredness get the best of me. It's just so hard sometimes I have very long days Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I go to class at 8 am and then go to work and don't get off of work until 8pm. So I have an 8 to 8 day and ugh SOOOOO not cool. But you know I have to do what I have to do, and so far I have lost almost 2 lbs so I have 4 days to lose at least 2-3 more which I know is possible, I really just have to set my mind to it and not freak out and stuff about it all. I really just start freaking out sometimes and almost obsess about the whole thing and I think that by obsessing and stressing out about it I dont lose as much as I should :/ I really need to get on with this and stop being so obsessive about it. I know that 'obsessiveness' when it comes to weight loss it is not good for anyone physically or mentally.

But anyway on a better note I have a photo from me at the baseball game on Saturday I finally fit in these pretty short jean shorts that I had not worn in FOREVER!!! Randy took the picture of me and I mean since I am still 'in progress' with my weight loss I know its obviously not the best picture but compared to me being 26lbs heavier its a good picture! haha :) here ya' go! :D!

Menu for today.

9am protein shake(woke up kinda late :|)
12pm salad, and protein soup.
3pm turkey with pickle roll ups.
6pm caldo de pollo

drinks:one (1) diet mountain dew && water.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I deff had to blog this I was looking for a snack and found the smart ones, 'anytime' snacks I got the mini veggie pizzas you get 8 mini pizzas serving size is 4(one tray) they are AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! and they only around 200 cals!! A lil high on the cals for me for a snack but I deff recommend them:)


In exactly one week from today I have my weigh in. I have actually been pretty good to not weigh myself :p So I'm really tempted today as we all know I pretty much like chicken sandwiches, I mean you can't go wrong with them. Grilled or fried lol (gosh I sound like such a fatty right now), but at least I'm admitting it, I know that we all have these days when were so hungry we just want to eat something that is totally horrible for us lol. But anyway Chik-fil-A has a new Spicy Chicken sandwich and anyone who knows me knows that I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE spicy!!! lol and I WAS planning on going there after class so I can try it and cheat today (let me reiterate WAS!!) I decided that that was not the best thing for me to do, I have a week to be down AT LEAST 6lbs, and being that I have weighed myself I can't keep you updated on how much I have lost, but I will say that I will weigh myself tonight :)! I'm super excited I deff. forgot to mention that on Saturday when we all went to the game I tried on this pair of jean shorts that I had not worn in a REALLY long time, and guess what?! THEY FIT!!!! I was so excited, and I still am!! I am also wearing them today hahah (and of course I washed them! lol)

But anyway back to my goal for this next week. Please everyone wish me luck! I've been doing very well!! and I'm so proud of myself for it! :)

menu today.

7:30am cappuccino flavored protein supplement.
12pm green salad with tuna fish.
3pm 1/2 cup cottage cheese.
6pm Tilapia fillet && three cups of vegetables.

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's Friday

It's Friday night and I'm home now :)
I am also off tomorrow and we're going to the Riverdogs baseball game tomorrow evening :), but during the day we are going to bbq, swim,(which I'm going to swim my laps and get my 2nd exercise session in for the day) and then we're off to the game in the evening:)

But as for today I did semi okay I ran realllllllly late because I was on the phone with t-mobile for about 40 minutes when I should have been at the gym. Then I went to the gym did my cardio for about an hour had to be at work at noon. So I got home had to fit time to shower, eat lunch and get ready for work. So of course the obvious thing happened, and I only had time to shower and get ready for work and I had my protein soup on the way to work, no veggies or anything I felt bad because I didn't get in what I had to. So my plan for tomorrow was to have a lettuce wrapped turkey burger, salad and some fruit for lunch, and for dinner have a dog and cheat a little and have a beer, but now that today happened I don't even want to anymore. I mean I know that I will be going to the gym tomorrow morning and then swimming laps tomorrow afternoon then the game, so I might just do it, but that just means that I have to work twice as hard at the gym tomorrow morning and Lord knows that it's Saturday and I don't want to but I will. Like I said in my last post I need/want to lose between 6-8lbs so I have a lot of work to do between Sunday and the 15th of June wish me luck!

Exercise for tomorrow;
1 hour of cardio on the treadmill.
30 minutes of cycling.
and 20 on toning (weight machine.)

7am protein shake
11am cup of cherries
2pm Turkey burgers wrapped in lettuce, salad, and fruit.
7pm Turkey dog

Drinks:water, tea and ONE beer(at the game)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New day

So I didn't blog last night i was just SOOOOO tired! But anyway I'm here now and in My computers 101 class (I know I know bad student right) WRONG! lol hes teaching beginning stuff I already know! lol

But anyway So last night I didn't not go to the gym, I got off of work so late, had homework to do and ugh it was way too much, but I did hit the hay early enough to where I woke up early and worked out before class this morning:) so YAY me!

I worked out this morning at like 6am

had breakfast- Protein supplement shake

10am Vita top blueberry bran.
12pm Cream of chicken protein supplement soup, and 3 cups of veggies.

5pm Green salad topped with tuna
8:30pm **GYM**
10pm Hot tea before bed :)

**Drinks today water, crystal light, and teas**

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I decided.

To log how much I work out. Times, weights etc.. and also planning out my menu for the next day. (I stole this idea from my sister in law)~~~Thanks Sarah!~~:)

So again I did not do to well these past two weeks and as I stated before I have a set new goals for every two weeks. These next two weeks I'm going to have to work hard, and when I say hard I mean HARD! If you play hard you win hard right?

Menu for tomorrow.

wake up 6am work out for 30 minutes.
6:30am protein shake
11:00am Protein supplement (beef veg soup)sauteed zucchini
2:30pm pack of roasted soy nuts
4:30pm Baked tilapia and salad.

Drinks all day water/tea (does not include protein shake)

Week 9

Okay so not so good these past two weeks. I was so stressed out with school, work, my family it was all just too much :|. unfortunately I only lost 2 lbs these past two weeks, but I know that I can do so much better than that. So my goal for these next two weeks is 6-8 lbs, I figured if i just keep making small goals I will be able to be at my goal weight in no time :) So I went to the dr today and yeah the verdict was 2 lbs :| of course I got a lecture and what not but anyway I'll show them. I'm seriously going to try to lose between 6-8 lbs in these next two weeks, my next appointment is on June 15th so we will see how that goes. As of right now I'm going to the gym in a few once I'm done blogging haha :)

So the menu today was.

7:30am Protein supplement. (kiwi-melon concentrate)
12:30pm Protein burger. (burger patty wrapped in lettuce)
2:30pm Fresh cherries.
5:30pm Rotisserie chicken, steamed broccoli, and salad.

Anyway off to the gym :)


update soon :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

2 More days.

So in two days I have my next weigh in, I am not too shabby about it. I cheated this week because I was so stressed and I know that is obviously not an excuse to do it, the Hot Cheetos were so good though! hahaha but I really felt guilty after I did the bad deed :( I know that we all have our ups and downs, and this was obviously one of my downs and hopefully one of my last! I have been working my ass off since I feel as if i gained the 5lbs that I lost I might just be freaking out but I weighed myself 2 days ago and my weight was off the scale said that I had gone up like 2lbs :/ and I know that we all fluctuate but how can I go up 2lbs by some chips? UGH! I just really hope that I lose those 2lbs again between these next few hours that are left in this Sunday and Tuesday morning. wish me luck! I'll let you all know how it goes on Tuesday! :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 7

So here's to a new stronger me. I just went to the doctor for my weigh in and lost 3.8 lbs :)! I am very excited about. I have now set a goal of how much weight I want to lose every 6 weeks, and I want to lose between 15-20lbs every six weeks :). I am 20 lbs lighter than i was when I started the program that I am on :). I am so excited about doing this and this week is going to be super hard for me, I know that i need to lose AT LEAST 5lbs, and being that I cheated a little on Saturday I dont know how well that will work lol, but i home that it did not set me back too much :). Ugh okay so i bought Jillian Michaels 30 day shred:| KICKS MY ASS not kidding she is not playing in these vids ahaha but I would recommend it, I only bought it because Summer semester is going to start again and I know that i need to have a back up plan because I might not be able to go to teh gym everyday and im shooting to 40 minutes or more a exercise 5-6 times a weeks, as you all can see I am very dedicated to this program, and although it does get hard at times I'm willing to keep it up :) well I will let you know how work, dinner and the workout goes tonight :)!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The start

Hey guys I am starting this blog to keep me more on track on my weight loss than I am now. I recently started seeing a weight loss specialist in my area. I am on a high protein pretty much no sugar, not really any carbs either. I take a protein supplement in the morning and they have great choices(shakes in vanilla, strawberry or chocolate which can also be made into puddings. Oatmeal and protein bars.) I choose one of them for breakfast my favorite is probably the vanilla shake b.c you can have it with diet root beer soda and it tastes just like a root beer float but guiltless! But right now I'm stuck on the Apple cinnamon oatmeal :) and for lunch i choose another supplement (which i usually choose the chicken noodle soup) that has to be accompanied by either 3 cups of vegetables or a salad, and for dinner 3 cups of vegetables and 6-7 ounces of protein (i.e. fish, shrimp, chicken any kind of seafood and only certain cuts of beef) Here's a little on my background, I was never really over weight growing up, but then I got sick (which i'd really rather not talk about.) but i had to start taking steroids to fight off this infection that I had, and well as we all know steroids make you gain weight. So here I am now just turned 21 years old in March and finally decided to get my life straight and try and get back to my normal size with is between 135-140 rather than just feeling depressed because my weight gain was not my fault. I figured that i'm wasting more energy being mad at the situation that I was pushed into than actually doing something about it. Since I have been seeing this doctor I have lost 16lbs so far and i started seeing him on March 25,2010 I go for my next weigh in on May 5, 2010 (and I am about 4.8lbs down from my last weigh in) my goal for these two weeks before my weigh in was 7 lbs so PLEASE keep your fingers crossed that i make that goal! Anyway...PMSING totally blows I hate dieting when its that time of the month it makes everything SOOOOOOO much harder than it should be haha but I am staying strong i recently discovered that Crystal Light makes these sugar free fruit chews which are realllllly goood and pretty much guilt free, now with the diet regimen that I'm doing I;m not supposed to have any sugar but these chews do not have sugar, anyway they have a few carbs but one or two do the job for me! I know that in order for this diet that I am on to really work I really need to do cardio, and well i dont always have time to go to the gym, I go to school full time and I work full time, so now that Spring semester is over I have 4 weeks before Summer semester starts again. So I have time to go to the gym right now but once school starts again even though I'm only going to school part time I still dont really have time, so I was thinking of either buying Slim in 6 or Turbo Jam, so if any of you have used it please let me know how they work for you. I am doing some more research before I decide to buy either one.

Well until next time :) Ill keep you posted on my weigh in's and things :)