Monday, July 19, 2010

So here it is July 19th

So here it is guys July 19th and as you all know I was having an issue getting my scale moving again, and well I was desperate and though "hey maybe I should go vegetarian again, but this time do it the right way" and i did so I'll be happy to say that MY SCALE IS MOVING AGAIN!!! im down 3lbs since the last time I checked in and that was only from changing back to a vegetarian last week :) so im super stoked!

As you all know I'm going home to visit in August and I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY want to be down 15-20lbs before I get on the plane again so as you all know I will be hitting the gym every night (or try to 7 days a week) but if not 6 will do :) I'm just excited to go home and get to see my family.

But now that going veggie is working for me even better than when I was eating chicken and such I'm glad :)

So if any of you are wondering on occasion I DO have fish, because technically I am considered a pescatarian. (meaning that I sometimes eat fish but i do not have chicken or beef), those of you who know me know that I never really ate beef anyway just because of the taste so yeah it's working out. I have been experimenting more, and learning how to cook some tofu stir-frys and such. Last night I actually had Shrimp and veggies w/Vindaloo sauce (Really spicy curry sauce) and brown rice which was absolutely delicious! So if any of you want the recipe just let me know :)

and of course if you do not have seafood at all, you can always sub the shrimp with extra firm/firm tofu or some sort of meat sub, or even just veggies! (which I have also done) it was so delicious and i HIGHLY recommend trying the sauce if you like super spicy food :)

Food Journal for Today:
6am Protein shake
9:30am Cherries
12pm Baby spinach salad w/raspberry vin, and left over shrimp-veggie Vindaloo w/brown rice.
3pm Fiber plus bar.
8:30pm Protein supplement and a grapefruit

one diet drink and water.

40 min of cardio

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